
Spice Up Hot Summer With Sex!

Spice Up Hot Summer With Sex
Sex can be fun any time, any season and anywhere. As the season changes, the climate and temperature also changes accordingly. What about your bedroom? After the cozy winters, making love can be really irritating during summer. Why? Because the session would be sticky. You won't even feel like touching each other due to the summer heat. For few lovers, summer sex is more erotic as it is steamy and hot!

How to have a hot summer sex?

Ice cubes: Remember putting ice cubes on your friend's back in school days? You can use these ice cubes to spice up summer sex and make it chilled yet hot! Use an ice cube to tickle your partner and build the perfect mood to make love.

Swimming pool: Summer is meaningless without swimming pool. Swim together and build up the perfect and spicy mood to make love. You can also give body massage to your partner before entering the pool.

On the floor: During summer, having sex can be really irritating. So, leave the sticky bedsheet and jump on the clean and cold floor. To be comfortable, you can use cushions and rug mats!

Cold shower together: After a hot sunny day, have a cold shower to freshen up and relax yourself. Include your partner in the cold shower, if your timings match. This can be an easy tip to spice up your love life.

Try these tips to have a hot summer sex. You can spice up your love life in any season if the spark is strong and equal form both the sides.

Read more about: spice up, lovemaking positions
Story first published: Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 17:59 [IST]

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