
Entice Your Wife With A Sensual Body Massage

Sensual Body Massage
The art of lovemaking in a marriage binds the couple together and it sure does enhance the feeling of love which is shared between them. In every married couples life, the feeling of no time to get intimate is common, so to start off in getting your wife in the mood, you can give her a good body massage which will entice her into lovemaking.

A sensual body massage is said to be the art in lovemaking making the woman feel needed in the presence of her husband and also helps her to feel truly special when her man adores her body.

Body Massages also help one to relax and divert the mind into something sensational like that of enhancing love in the bedroom. However there are different types of sensual body massage which can turn your partner on, but here stated below are some tips on how to make your wife feel special by leading her on in the right way.

Tips for husbands to give their wife a good sensual body massage.

1.The first tip is to get the right atmosphere. A body massage has to be done in an environment which is peaceful. So you can set the mood with the sound of music as it is said that music enhances the mood for lovemaking. There are various types of music one can select according to your partner's taste.

2.Cushions and pillows is the most essential part of a body massage. Place the pillows and cushions under her legs while making her lie on her back. Also place the cushion under her neck so that she feels raised and comfortable during the body massage.

3.Get the latest body massage essential oils to make her drool in the atmosphere. Instead of letting her undress, you do it for her. Make the night romantic by massaging her every body mostly focusing more on her erogenous zones for a better feeling.

4.While you give her the sensual body massage, press your finger tips gently on her so that she feels your presence and love. Rub in more of the essential oils to give her that extra pleasure through the wonderful pleasing aroma.

5.Also add in a hot water formation in the sensual body massage to relax her muscles making her feel stress free. At the end , you will see her ready for a lovemaking session.

These tips will surely entice your wife making her feel special in your arms.

Story first published: Monday, February 28, 2011, 15:42 [IST]

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