
Mistakes Men Make During Lovemaking

Lovemaking Mistakes
In lovemaking there are are always some mistakes that men do to spoil the intimate time they share with the woman they are in love with.

The art of lovemaking should be all natural and the best part of it all is that both partners should know the value of their mate to make the experience even more wild and classy.

To avoid these mishaps next time when you are making love, here are some things for men to know
Stated below are some of the mistake men make during lovemaking

1.Do not aim for her erogenous zones. Kissing her is what she wants. This is the first mistake that guys make during the art of lovemaking.

2.One of the common mistake men make during lovemaking is coming on too soon. This should be avoided. When you are alone, take things slow and easy as it will feel more romantic and make her know that you are appreciate her every move on you.

3.Do not talk dirty to her unless she likes it. There are some women who do not like the idea of their man talking dirty to them as they feel disrespected.

4.Another mistake men make during lovemaking is once they are done with ejaculation they are not worried about their woman. This mistake is not acceptable. Making love is a two way street. Give her the same feeling of pleasure she gave you to reach climax.

5.Lovemaking positions for couples have to be agreed on. There are some women who do not like certain positions. The common mistake men make during lovemaking is to please themselves first. Do something that she likes too in order to make it a good lovemaking session.

6.The last mistake men make during lovemaking is thanking the woman. This is so not right. Guys should never thank a woman for sleeping with them as it is a great insult to her and will cause a hindrance in the relationship.

These are some of the mistakes. Men watch your moves when making love to her. These lovemaking tips is helpful for every man.

Read more about: denise baptiste, lovemaking, tips
Story first published: Friday, January 21, 2011, 16:26 [IST]

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