
Thai Green Curry For A Spicy Lovemaking!

London: Want to make your bedroom life more adventurous? Well, in that case, turn to Thai green curry, which has been found to give a person"s libido that much needed boost.

The conclusion is based on a new research, which found that the 'magical" meal is full of aphrodisiacs.

The curry includes cardamom, ginseng, garlic, ginger, basil, lemon grass and asparagus — all considered by different cultures to get you feeling sexy.

The top-10 list of takeaway meals based on the number of aphrodisiac ingredients per meal was compiled by takeaway company Just-Eat.

Hot and spicy pizza topped with tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil, olives, meatballs and chillis grabbed the second position, according to research for takeaway website Just-Eat.co.uk.

Chicken Korma comes in at No 3, thanks to its potent blend of coconut, garlic, chilli, ginger and almonds — all said to improve sex drive in females.

Seafood Laksa is fourth because of its coconut milk, ginger, garlic, basil and onions.

"Thai green curry has long been known in the East to boost sex drive," The Sun quoted Just-Eat"s Ash Ali, as saying.

"The British public instead only tend to know more expensive aphrodisiacs such as oysters and caviar," Ali added.

Other foods sure to steam up more than just the kitchen are meatballs and pasta, king prawns with ginger, sushi and even chicken tikka masala, say the experts.

The Top Ten are:

1 Thai green curry
2 Hot and spicy pizza
3 Chicken Korma
4 Seafood Laksa
5 Mole Poblano
6 Sushi
7 Chicken Tikka Masala
8 Spicy Balinese Curry
9 Spicy Meatballs and Pasta
10 King Prawns With Ginger & Spring Onions.

Read more about: libido, spicy balinese curry, sushi
Story first published: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 14:14 [IST]

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