While making love do you really pay attention? It is very important that you live through and receive the whole experience. Be aware of what you enjoy and what you don't. Pay attention to your partner's needs. In your pleasure don't ignore the pleasure of the other. Don't be the wild stallion running helter skelter, while your partner withers in pain.
Do you always wait for your partner to initiate? If you do, you might be missing out on a lot. Power can be a huge turn-on and can be very sexy for both. Initiating when that's not your usual style can jump-start the whole act. Your partner will be pleasantly surprised and you will be in control. Try it and see how it feels.
Do you have a diminished desire with very little or no fire? You might be one among the many who suffer due to stress or related problems. This might be physical, mental, or psychological. Get help. See this as a problem and seek help. It is very important to get at problem and nip them off at the bud. Don't let them grow into tall trees with firm roots. These can have long-term repercussions.
lovemaking is a beautiful gift of nature and must be nurtured with care. Don't keep lovemaking for the dark hours of the night. Have you tried a passionate wake up call? Kick- start the day with a passionate act. Most couples restrict themselves to the bedroom. Whenever feasible grab a quickie on the couch, kitchen slab, under the shower, on the carpet, wherever. Try new ways. If you can't think of anything, get hold of a good book, both of you explore together and if you can invent something new, nothing like it.