
Women's Tactics To Win Their Lover's Heart

Women's Tactics
Majority of brides use tactics to force men to go down on their knees. Most of them use the general method threatening to leave their lovers.

Another method is provoking the lover's jealousy by senting themselves flowers from a fake admirer.

Intentionally impregnating and falsely alleged to be expecting, are the other methods generally women use as it will force the men to pop the question. This may also force the men go to in order to have the dream wedding.

Men have this commitment phobia, particularly young men. One of the classic ways to make them propose is to flirt with someone else so he starts to chase you again, or even to go to the extreme of dumping them and going out with someone else. Backing off from him does make him want you. It's a classic European seduction technique, “ says the relationship expert Peter Spalton.

Read more about: expecting, provogue, wedding, women
Story first published: Friday, February 19, 2010, 10:48 [IST]

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