
Media's Role In Sexual Issues

Have you ever thought about the increasing discussions about sexual issues on the present day? Our parents will admit that, at their mature stage they knew not even half of the sexual issues that our kindergarten child speaks out. Along with the recent technological advance, media also has contributed to the growing awareness of sexuality.

Media offers an unlimited source of knowledge to the young generation. Even before they get the basic sex education from their parents or elder ones, they must have grasped the glimpses of sexual life from the media. The reports on rape, sexual abuse, porn movies or any other sexual issue will fill their minds with sexual knowledge.

Medias in print are often seen lenient to show sexual images. They narrate explicit sexual content while dealing with sexual violence against women. The advertisements containing semi claded pictures of models often fill the minds of adolescents with wrong notions. While most of these medias talk about sexual issues, they take care to mention safe sex and related issues only to a minimal extent.

Television programmes offer an ideal venue for sexual portrayals to pre adolescent children. Sexual messages are often found in the dialogues, music lyrics and acting in these programmes. Television influences adolescents and helps to create their own sexual attitudes, values, and beliefs.

The influence of web media is surprisingly increasing on the present day. Many sites have opened providing exclusive sexual content for their readers. While influential medias offer decent and necessary sexual education to its readers, porn sites are creeping in and cause serious concern to parents.

There is no way to put away adolescents from the influence of medias. They may be backed off from their peer group if they are not aware of contemporary events. However media may not influence young people always in the best way. All you can do is stay realistic and see thing as they are, not as they are presented in the media.

Media on the other hand has a major role in curbing the sexual issues in the society. They can broadcast or publish the major sexual issues such as AIDS, HIV, etc. in a neat and condensed form. They can also promote programmes related to family planning, birth control and contraceptives. Medias can channelize these programmes in accordance to the time schedule when most of the parents are at home.

Research shows that sex shown by the media is related to an increased frequency of sexual activity in the real world. In that case society can encourage family discussions on the effects of media on one's sexual attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. They can also encourage television channels or web videos to produce programmes with responsible sexual content. At the same time media can incorporate specific sexual education programmes for older children and adolescents, will include discussions of sexual content in the media.

There is no evidence that the increased sexual knowledge through media has encouraged the modern generation to have sex at an early stage. However, media remains to play a key role in all the upcoming sexual issues.

Story first published: Friday, June 15, 2007, 15:14 [IST]

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