
Rasa Lila of Lord Krishna and Radha

The talk about Love and Lovemaking remains incomplete if we do not talk about the mythological romance of Radha and Lord Krishna. They are the epitome of real Love and they symbolized lovemaking beyond any bounds and barriers. Lord Krishna spent his childhood with Gopas (cowherd boys) and Gopis (cowherd girls). In the Vrindavan Forests Krishna used to play the flute and the Gopis danced with him in elation. This shows the unconditional love between the individual and the divine.


Radha and Krishna were close to each other from their very childhood. One day Radha's father asked Krishna to accompany her on a trip through the forests. On their way Lord Krishna seduced Radha who was also willing deep inside and they made love. From this point of time they became lovers. This eternal lovemaking is described in various forms through the poems and writings of Jayadeva in Gitagovinda.

The writings show that Lord Krishna and Radha too were in deep love as they refused all the social bindings and were ready to make love to quest their thirst for love, for each other. Lord Krishna and Radha are found besides the bank of Yamuna where their love aroused for the first time and they made love to each other. Radha is found to be fixing her eyes on Lord Krishna while she musically sounded the rings of her ankles and the bells of her zone while entering the bower of her beloved Govinda. Here she beheld the Lord who was so long waiting to embrace her. The sight of Radha agitated his heart and his life up rose to drink her beams.


Radha entered straight without making a delay and her face shone with unutterable quick love. She reclined on the leafy bed strewn with soft blossoms, her lips sparkled and her eyes spoke for the desire of lovemaking. Their Lovemaking is also described in full details in words and these are beautiful expressions in itself. Radha is found to be eager to get into the mood of the romance, she asks Krishna to mix gay flowers on her tresses with the peacock feathers in a graceful order so that they may wave like the banners of Kama.


While Radha spoke, Lord Krishna triumphed; and in order to obey her request he placed musky spots on her bosom and forehead and dyed her temples with radiant hues. Lord Krishna embellished her eyes with Kajal and decked her hair as well as neck with fresh garlands. He tied on her wrists and around her waist some loosened bracelets of flowers. The zone of bells around Radha's waist made the sound of their love in a melodious tone. They shed all the shame and the final union of Radha and Krishna happened. This shows that both of them were deeply in love and they also made love with each other, which can be considered as Divine Lovemaking. This angle of wonderful lovemaking has always kept unexplored. You can simply visualize the way the scene has been presented and in a way get fully engrossed while reading it. It is nothing but is a form of Kamasutra and a way of presenting Lovemaking.


Story first published: Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 16:28 [IST]

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