A recent satisfaction study has proved this fact. It has been found out that women, while reaching their 40s and 50s feel more excited and horny. They lead a healthier and satisfied sexual life than the other age groups.
Scientists say that these women not only enjoy sex. They also have it very often.
During the study it was showed that women in the age group, ranging from 18 - 30 faced difficulties in reaching orgasm. On the other hand 43 percent faced the same problem.
But those who ranged from 46 - 54 years old had a pleasurable time and faced no difficulties in attaining orgasm. They also brought out that women in the age group of 31 - 45 had a regular love making session, their percent was really surprising, while comparing to the young group. It was 85 percent.
The study was concluded with the finding that women enjoy sex as they get old.