The male reproductive organ is the most essential when it comes to a man and his way of life.
Below stated is few things one needs to know about the male reproductive organ.
1.Smoking is dangerous to health. It is true that smoking causes lung caner. A recent study also shows that smoking can shorten the male reproductive organ of the man.
2.It is said that a man gets to ejaculate after his brain gives the signal. However this is not true. The spinal cord is the one which orders the penis to ejaculate.
3.Most men find ways on how to stay longer in bed. It is said that the average male organsms lasts for about 6 to 7 seconds per man. While on one hand women get 23 seconds of orgasm other than a man.
4.Many men believe in size of their reproductive organ for them to produce more sperm. It is not true this way. The size does not depend on the sperm count.
5.The male reproductive organ, the penis is said to be the best looking for guys who are handsome. This is however not true.
6.Though the male penis cannot grow once you have reached a certain level in age. It is widely said that the male penis can actually break causing it to be a penis fracture. The reproductive male organ turns to be black and blue with excruciating pain. This is very rare but usually when it happens it usually occurs at a very young age when the penis is not yet rigid.
These are some of the facts of the male organ which every man should be aware of.