
Sex Positions To Conceive

Research states that there are certain positions that are more likely to help in achieving the goal of getting pregnant, particularly if one is facing fertility problems. Here are some interesting facts about sexual positions and baby making. Explore to know the do's and don't s while conceiving.

The right sexual position

The Missionary Position : The missionary position, that is man on top is one of the safe way to conceive as it allows deep penetration. This sexual position places the sperm right next to the opening of the womb. Although it seems an easier task for men to achieve orgasm, it is the other way round for women. Most women do not experience orgasm with such a position.

Hands and Knees Position ( Doggie Style) : Making love from behind either lying down or with the woman on all fours also allows the sperm an easier path to the cervix.

Relax for a while: After a successful sexual play with the right sexual position, don't just jump out of the bed for a heavy scheduled work. Rather lie on your side and draw your knees into your stomach. Preferably place a pillow under your hips, put your feet against the headboard, and relax for at least half an hour. This simple act will help the sperm a little to help it swim against gravity on their way up to your fallopian tubes.

Some people even believe that, if a woman after sex lies on her back and bicycles in the air with her legs for a few minutes, conceive faster. Although it has not been proved, you can try it. If nothing else, it will at least give you and your partner a fun lovemaking tip.

Day or night?
Some people believe that sex during the day increases the chance of pregnancy as the sperm count is higher in the day as compared to nights. On the contrary the recent research states that the best time of the day for lovemaking for pregnancy is in the early evening between 5 and 7 pm, when sperm counts are up to 35% higher. At this time sperms are livelier, and women are more likely to ovulate. However, make sure to keep in mind the women's menstrual cycle.

Sexual positions to avoid
Women on top : This sexual position is generally avoided as, although the sperm is deposited near the cervix, but immediately heads the opposite direction. However this step can be corrected if the woman is made to lie down immediately after the partner has an orgasm. Most couples love this sex position as the intercourse is deeply penetrating, thus it helps the couple to achieve orgasm with a long stimulation.

Other sexual position to avoid are sitting, side lying and standing, as it will not allow the sperm to reach the cervix. This method makes the job of the sperm much harder if not impossible. It may even cause the semen to leak and may result in fewer sperms making their way to their destiny.

Importance of Women's orgasm
A research states that female orgasm after or at the same time as that of the man plays a vital role in baby making. The contractions during the orgasm helps carry sperm further into the womb.

Read more about: orgasm, sexual, sexual positions, swarag
Story first published: Monday, October 1, 2007, 18:38 [IST]

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