
Health And Sexual Benefits Of Masturbation

Although masturbation is considered a sinful practice in many Holy Books, a research states that significant percentages of men and women masturbate everyday. The study recorded up to 94% of men and 89% of women have masturbated in their lives. The sensual and pleasurable act without a sexual intercourse is webbed around many myths. Find out the age old myths and the health and benefits of masturbation.

What is masturbation?
Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation that leads to orgasm. It is performed manually, by other types of body contact using objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods . However there is no act of sexual intercourse in this sexual behaviour.

Myths about Masturbation

Masturbation has been wrongly blamed for a host of human ills, including, blindness, stunted growth, madness, physical decrepitude, sexual perversion, reduced sexual function and neurotic disorders. A myth that lingered for more than centuries is that girls don't masturbate. However girls and women do masturbate. In fact, it is said that women who masturbate have higher self-esteem than those who don't.

Health benefits
Some of the known health benefits of masturbation are,

  • Reduces stress
  • Enhances self-esteem.
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Helps one to fall asleep
  • Promotes release of the brain's opioid-like neurotransmitters (endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Female masturbation relieves menstrual cramps
  • Eases some of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
  • Relieves depression
  • Improves blood flow in the human body.
  • Frequent masturbation by males appears to help prevent the development of prostate cancer.
  • An effective, natural cure for insomnia.
  • Masturbation is considered as cardiovascular workout. However it has not been scientifically proved.
  • Burns calories during the session.
  • It lowers blood pleasure and relieves headaches and muscle aches throughout the body

    Sexual benefits

  • Masturbation is also seen as a sexual technique that protects individuals from the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.
  • Research states that through masturbation, ones sexual tension is released. Masturbation allows a person to express sexuality in various situations, for instance, if they don't have a partner or if sex with their partner isn't available, or if they want to (or have to) abstain from sex for any reason.
  • Masturbation helps to communicate their sexual needs better to their sexual partner. With enough practice, one will be able to coordinate pleasure with their partner's pleasure and make sex better for both of them
  • Masturbation is a popular treatment for sexual dysfunction. For Instance, men who suffer from premature ejaculation can use masturbation to practice control.

    Masturbation Frequency
    Frequency of masturbation is a common concern of many. Normal range of masturbating can be from several times per day, week or month to never masturbating at all. The repetitive act is not a problem unless it is linked with an obsessive compulsive disorder, where a person has an urge to perform it over and over again neglecting his social life.

  • Story first published: Friday, July 27, 2007, 19:07 [IST]

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