
Homosexuals - My Side Of The Story (Part 1)

Does your sexual orientation decide the experience in society that is very reluctant to utter that three-letter word? Gays and lesbians feel so, since everyday living in the society is a painful experience for them. Male homosexuals are called 'gays' and female homosexuals are called 'lesbians'. They suffer social, religious, economic, political and legal discrimination due to the irrational homophobia of society. In this situation what is most needed for society is to understand the causes and cures for homosexuality as well as the unfounded accusations against homosexuals.

The idea about homosexuals and the attacks against them first drew my attention during my pre-graduation days. Newspapers and media of my conservative society much celebrated the eloping of a girl with her lesbian partner on the eve of her marriage. Her father filed a petition to get back the girl and alas! There is much more to gossip for the public. High Court allowed the girl to live with her girlfriend due to the intrusion of women activists. Similar cases of gay marriages also came to limelight and faded away in the following years. I heard horrifying stories about homosexuals' attack on children. These all refuted the disgust and fear against homosexuals in my mind.

Years passed. The many medical and psychological theories and seminars that incorporated homosexuals changed my attitudes towards them. Yes! The girl who eloped was also present in the seminar with her girlfriend with their adopted kids.

It was here that I realised many of them pretend to be heterosexuals and are careful not to wear any attire that belongs to the opposite sex. Society will recognize their sexual orientation in accordance with their sexual orientation only. Most of them work in distinguished IT companies; some in the Medical fields Law sectors et al. They are not confined to the field of Art, as it is mostly thought of. Many of them were living with their same sex partners and had adopted kids. Moreover they were not unhappy with their lives as the society comfortably concluded. They spoke out vigorously against the unfounded accusations about homosexuals as cross dressers, child assaulters, people with abnormal behaviors, or vagabonds. They spoke about what really made them homosexuals.

Read more about: molestation, sexual harassment
Story first published: Friday, December 15, 2006, 15:17 [IST]

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